
Last updated on: 26. Jan. 2021

A virtual or physical meeting takes place once a month to ensure the following functions

-mentor connecting to other mentors

-supporting mentors to re-engage if they have had time away from mentoring

-keeping up to date with changes in the system

-sharing key learnings from tutorials and assessment

-cross pollinating the understanding of assessment

-giving support to each other

-providing opportunities to practice aspects of being a mentor

-sharing skills, knowledge and experiences

-identifying mentor training needs with possible additional focused training sessions

-supporting and possibly fulfilling some of the mentor Continuous Professional Development requirements

Pattern of Monthly Meetings

-one person is given the task to invite mentors to join the meeting. Invitation is sent once a month.

-go-round of name, where are you, what are you grateful for today or need to have a moan about today or a bit of both?

-what do you want to get out of today’s session? Any questions you want answering?

-explore some/all of these questions

-what could future sessions cover?

-what are the next steps / takeaways / learnings from today?