Som diplomand vid Nordiska Permakulturakademin, kan du välja någon av handledarna nedan.
Alla handledare högt kvalificerade diplomhållare som har lång erfarenhet av permakuklturdesign och praktiskt arbete.
Vi hjälper dig gärna på din väg mot ett permakulturdiplom.
The founders:
Cathrine Dolleris (Denmark), Permaculture Diplomate and Assessment Tutor (in the British diploma system), since 2014. PDC educator and facilitator of international Teachers Trainings for Permaculture. International coordinator for education and Erasmus+ and the LAND network. M.Sc. in Geography. Owner of GeoLiv og LAND center “Kattekærhus” på Orø.
Andreas Jonsson (Sverige), Permakulturedesigner och diplomhållare, utbildare och handledare. En humanekolog i själen. En jordälskare som dras till low-tech-lösningar i det dagliga. Arbetar som lärare och konsult inom både permakultur och sociokrati. Drivs av att utveckla självlärande system. Regenerativ samodlare och Agroforestryförespråkare på hemmaplan i Vånga i Skåne. Vill du ha min uppmärksamhet? Presentera ett system för mig ;-)
Working Member:
Alessandro Ardovini (Sweden – Italy/Spain), Permaculture Designer and teacher since 2011. Diploma holder with the Spanish Academia de Permacultura Íbera (AcaPI) since 2017. He is a co-founder of AcaPI and a developer of visual didactic material. He has also co-written, in Spanish, The Wheel – An Il·lusrated Permaculture Novel·l in a Solarpunk Fashion.
He moved to Sweden in September 2022 and is a board member of Permakultur i Skåne.
Mission Circle Member (apart from founders):
Alfred Decker is an award-winning permaculture designer, a certified educator with the Permaculture Association of Britain, and one of Europe’s leading and innovative permaculture educators. Since his first PDC in 1998 in California, Alfred has been involved with social movements and projects throughout Europe and the Americas. He is the founder of the 12P Permaculture Design consultancy and Permacultura Barcelona; is a co-founder of the Spanish Permaculture Academy (Academia de Permacultura Íbera); and was a member of the European Permaculture Teachers Partnership and the Permaculture Council of Europe. His current passion and focus is how permaculture can be useful to refugees and migrants, and how permaculture education can be designed for them as learners…and how they in turn can best share their valuable knowledge and experience with others.
Former Members:
Karoline Nolsø Aaen (Danmark), Permakulturdesigner og diplomhållare sen 2017. Biolog, facilitator, föredragshållare, undervisare, Regenerative Agroforestry Farmer, självhushållare och författare till böckerna Permakulturhaven og Mad med Flerårige Grøntsager. Diplomhandledare sen 2019. Driver företaget Permakulturhaven, och medägare av LAND-centret “Permakulturhaven Myrrhis” tillsammans med Tycho Holcomb.